Waiting to go for the Hike.

In this trail the terrain changes from different variations of meadows to maple forests. There is even a little pond. The path can be a bit rocky at times so watch your step!

If you are in the area I encourage you to give it a try!

Reveler Conservation Area

If you do go you might also want to check out the Cannamore Orchard which does lots of fun things through out the year but to hear about those you will have to wait for another post!

Geordi and I love to hike. We get out and explore every chance we get. This is one of our absolute favourites. It is just outside of Cannamore (South East of Ottawa).

In the Winter and Spring that is.

There are a lot of flowers on this hike in the spring. You can see the lilacs in the picture in bloom. The picture shows a very small portion of the collection of shrubs right at the very start of the trail.

In the winter the trail is nicely marked but not maintained potentially leaving it as untouched and peaceful as a winter hike can be.

In the summer and fall we typically do not hike here as there has been a significant increase in wild parsnip in the past while. If you do not know what that is I encourage you to look it up! Its apart of the giant hog weed family and not very nice to your skin.

Geordi in though the Maple Forest
Reveler Conservation Area
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